It's not always about the gear you have, but about your knowledge of light. After being contacted by Kauai model Gabby Harrington earlier this week, I was researching some new ways to use my strobes in the studio. Unfortunately my Elinchrom Ranger pack bit the dust, so I was trying to come up with some new lighting schemes. When it came down to it, I decided to walk outside our studio and set up a white tile-board against our lava rock wall in the shade. I threw a 4x6 bounce against the other corner wall. This provided some mental results as you can see below in the images. So at the end of the day, all you need for good portraits is a beautiful model and some nice shade. You can see more of Gabby in the IssaDeMar post I did on my blog a few months back. She is for sure an up and coming Hawaii model and is heading to New York soon. Hope you enjoy.